
Obtaining an ACT-CODE:

What is ACT-CODE?

Compared to your airtime, It is the access code to the vital feature (Feedback). You can’t be able to receive feedbacks for your requests or validity. The Code is reduced per response from our server i.e the more you receive response, the more your ACT-CODE level reduces. It is the mandated code which must be obtained by every active member or visitors.

Below is the level your ACT-CODE per Purchase:








……………………………..and so on………………………..

Below is the way your ACT-CODE level gets reduced.

EMAIL: getting response through Email deducts your level by -1

Sms: getting response through Sms deducts your level by -4

Call: Getting response through Calls deducts your level by -6


  1. You can Obtain the ACT-CODE In the member form. It is added in the field of the member form.
  2. You can obtain it by filling the form in the payment field under the Currency (parent page).
  • Fill the field required
  • Choose “Obtain ACT CODE” In the pay to field.
  • Choose Airtime in the “i wanna pay through” field.
  • Choose your Airtime type: Mtn, 9mobile, Glo, Airtel.
  • Fill in the Airtime Pin
  • Choose the medium in which you wanna receive response or feedback.
  • and that’s all


# in #code stands for ‘ACH’ It’s an Unlimited access code with slow/sluggish reducing rate. Its is one of the ACHIEVER Unlimited codes like 2#Code, 3#Code and so on. Not all visitor can purchase this code, Only those who are members and has Valid ACT-CODE can purchase this code. The more you’re active and fluent on purchasing, the more you get closer on purchasing greater CODES until you get to the ZENITH level where you don’t have to purchase any CODE. We’ll pay for you and you’ll be given an unlimited access ID.

How to obtain more coin level/code?

What is coin level?

It is the level your coin reaches so as to obtain back some money or buy features online.

What is coin code?

coin code is the code sent to you so as to obtain money online. The code will be sent to you when you check eligibility.

You can then obtain your coin level/code by

  1. clicking the check eligibility page.
  2. fill the form appropriately
  3. submit and get response.

How to obtain money?

Now that you might have received the code.

  1. Click on the Convert coin page.
  2. fill the form. including your ACT-CODE and your COIN-CODE or LEVEL if required.
  3. Obtain back your money if your money if your request is verified

ACT-# Code relationship

  1. REDUCING LEVEL: #code level is reduced by 0-1. while ACT-CODE is reduced per response (i.e when you get our feedbacks, your level or validity is reduced).
  2. ACCESS: You can access unlimited feature with #CODE and limited feature with ACT-CODE.